Why are one or more of my target zones greyed out or missing?

Why are one or more of my target zones greyed out or missing?

A greyed out or otherwise missing target is caused by insufficient profile information or missing measurements. The profile information of the appliance is quite possibly the most important piece of information that we collect. As I often say in my demos, taking measurements is pointless if you don't know what the measurement is supposed to be; just like checking air pressure in a tire is pointless unless you know how much air is supposed to be in it (atv tires typically only need about 5psi, while bicycle tires run over 50psi, and semi truck tires run around 100. Imagine mixing that up). For example: without a TESP (total external static pressure) rating, we cannot tell if the static is in an acceptable range. Your system might be rated at .3″wc or .5″wc. Profile information is how we determine the specific details of the piece of equipment being serviced and is how we determine what the measurements should be, so enter the best information you possibly can so we can make the best calculations we can. Click the “Profile” page (circled in red) on the Gauge Screen or the Profile page of the project workflow and fill out the heating or cooling profile as accurately as possible.

Another cause of missing targets is missing measurements. As you know, the performance of a refrigeration system is directly impacted by the conditions of it's operating environment. For example: If you do not measure or enter an Outdoor Air Temp, we cannot predict what the High Side pressure or Approach should be. If you do not measure or enter a Return Air Temp & Humidity, we cannot determine the expected load on the evaporator to determine an expected Low Side pressure target.
Updated on March 31, 2021