mQ Terms & Definitions

mQ Terms & Definitions

We use a lot of terms that are critical to completing the process that is measureQuick. Understanding what these terms mean and how they're applied to the process is critical to understanding the method to our madness.

Project:       Think of it like a work order. It is used to document the condition and performance of the appliance on the day of service. It is the specific process by which we complete a Project to generate the Calculations, Diagnostic Faults, Vitals Score, and the almighty Report at the end. Whenever you return for a follow up service call you should start a new Project and take new measurements because the operating conditions will have inevitably changed a day or week later and should be documented by capturing new measurements.

Site:      A new site is created or an existing site is selected when starting a new project in mQ. The site information consists mostly of the customer's contact info and the geographic location of their property.

Equipment:      The appliance being serviced on a Site in the Project. You can establish as many pieces of Equipment on a Site as you'd like. A split system A/C and Furnace count as a single piece of equipment. We store all of the information related to a piece of Equipment indefinitely including the Projects that have been performed on it in the past including the photos. We charge 5 QBits ($5) per year for the Premier Features on each piece of Equipment.

Premier Features:      There are Premier Features available for every Project type. They are the ability to retrieve Site and Equipment info from the cloud for a new Project, Data Streaming, and Report Generation.

Calculations:      Once you've been using mQ for a little while, it should not take long for you to realize that with only 8 or 9 wireless sensors connected to an air conditioner you are seeing a lot more than just 8 or 9 measurements. That's because we use the measurements from those sensors and the Profile information of the Equipment to calculate things like airflow, capacity, and dehumidification. That's why it is extremely important that your probes are positioned correctly to take as accurate of measurements as possible.

Profile:      The Profile establishes mQ's expectations for the performance of the Equipment. Taking measurements is pointless if you don't know what they're supposed to be. Think about checking your tire pressure. If you don't look at the door jamb sticker you don't know what the tire pressure is supposed to be for that particular vehicle, sure 35 psi is a pretty safe bet for most passenger vehicles, but it's not definite. Same thing with the A/C. All of our pressure and temperature targets and all of our diagnostic faults are derived from that information, so BE ACCURATE and do not assume!

Test In / Test Out:      So most people love the aforementioned report. But what determines what is on the report? You are continuously taking live measurements that are literally changing with the weather, at what point does it actually collect the measurements and calculations that you see on the report? The instant you click "Save Measurements" or "Save Test In" or Save Test Out" depending on the Project type. The instant you click that button it takes a snapshot (not to be confused with a SCREENshot!)in time of all of the data it has on hand and that is what will appear on the report. The idea of the Test In snapshot is you take it before you've made any repairs or adjustments to the appliance. It is meant to show the performance and conditions of the appliance in it's "as found when you arrived" state. Then after you've made whatever repairs and adjustments you'd like, you take the Test Out snapshot. Then on the final Pro Report you will see the data obtained in the Test In snapshot and the data obtained in the Test Out snapshot for comparison purposes.

Vitals Report:      After you've taken your Test In snapshot, you have the data needed to generate a report. The geniuses (if we do say so ourselves) at measureQuick have devised a way to condense all of the all of the necessary information down into a brilliantly-simple layman's-terms based report that even the dumbest homeowner should be able to understand, hopefully. Maybe? Seriously , we envision this as the report that you could show your customer and provide them with the information they need to make an informed decision on what to do next.

Pro Report:      When it's all said and done, the Pro Report compiles all of the data collected throughout the project into one complete report. It includes the previously generated Vitals Report from your Test In snapshot along with a page that contains the actual measurements and calculations as well as another Vitals Report created with the data from the Test Out snapshot and the measurements and calculation from it as well. Lastly it includes all of the pictures taken.

Vitals Score:      Not to be confused with the Vitals Report, this is our proprietary scoring system based on the measurements taken and how close (or far) they are to the targets. It is not available in heat pump heating projects OR if any pressure or temperature measurements are entered manually in any other project.
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