Everything is working correctly, why am I still getting red/yellow flags?

Everything is working correctly, why am I still getting red/yellow flags?

Flags indicate “symptoms” of improper operation and do not definitively mean that the system operation is improper. Profiles are “educated guesses” on system operation and typically very reflective or consistent with the equipment selected. Keep in mind these faults are based on the system Profile. Without accurate profile information mQ cannot accurately determine targets for the measurements or establish proper performance expectations for the system. That annoying saying that the writer of this page and tech support guy cannot stand "garbage in, garbage out" definitely applies here. The technician should look at the symptoms and evaluate each one to verify if a problem exists. Minor faults contribute together to make major faults. If there are more than 4 minor faults contributing to a major fault, the fault cannot be cleared by the user. A green checkered flag is an indication of proper operation.
Updated on March 31, 2021